Normally we recognise a vector as having a raised (component) index: , whereas a covector has a lowered index: . Similarly the dual to , using the metric, is the covector with components denoted say; while the dual to is the vector with components .
Recall what this notation means. It presupposes a vector basis say, where in this case the labels entire vectors — the different vectors in the basis — rather than components. Hence we have the decomposition: . Similarly, the component notation implies a basis of covectors , so: . These bases are taken to be dual to one another (in the sense of bases), meaning: . We also have and , where as usual and . (The “sharp” and “flat” symbols are just a fancy way to denote the dual. This is called the musical isomorphism.)
However since , we may instead take the dual of both sides of this expression to get: . This gives a different decomposition than in the previous paragraph. Curiously, this expression contains a raised component index, even though it describes a covector. For each index value , the component is the same number as usual. But here we have paired them with different basis elements. Similarly is a different decomposition of the vector . It describes a vector, despite using a lowered component index. Using the metric, the two vector bases are related by: .
A good portion of the content here is just reviewing notation. However this article does not seem as accessible as I envisioned. The comparison with covectors is better suited to readers who already know the standard approach. (And I feel a pressure to demonstrate I understand the standard approach before challenging it a little, lest some readers dismiss this exposition.) However for newer students, it would seem better to start afresh by defining a vector basis to satisfy: . (While is identical notation to covectors, there need not be confusion, if no covectors are present anywhere.) This relation is intuitive, as the below diagram shows.
I learned this approach (of defining a second, “reciprocal basis” of vectors) from geometric algebra references. However, it is really just a revival of the traditional view. I used to think old physics textbooks which taught this way were unsophisticated, and unaware of the modern machinery (covectors). I no longer think this way. The alternate approach does require a metric, so is less general. However all topics I have worked on personally, in relativity, do have a metric present. But even for contexts with no metric, this approach could still serve as a concrete intuition, to motivate the introduction of covectors, which are more abstract. The alternate approach also challenges the usual distinction offered between contravariant and covariant transformation of (co)vectors and higher-rank tensors. It shows this is not about vectors vs covectors at all, but more generally about the basis chosen. I write about these topics in significant length in my MPhil thesis (2024, forthcoming, §2.3), and intend to write more later.
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